Sunday, October 17, 2010


Cross Line
This was hard. The square shapes were definitely more difficult than the rounded shapes. In the end the picture looked like scribbles.

Quick Contour

Slow Contour
It was so hard not looking at the page!

Final Contour

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tea Pot: Ink

                                                                 Front View

                                                  Running Off the Edge
                                I accidentally dripped ink on the paper. It makes it unique, at least.

                                                     Running Off the Edge

                                                       For my last one I tried a calligraphic line, with a few free, thick strokes. It didn't come out all that well, but it was interesting to try.

This is another one of my favorites. I tried to make it sing.

Tea Pot


More Contour

I added steam to give it a more fanciful look, and to set it apart from the others.

This is one of my favorites.

I thought I would give this a try. Obviously it did not turn out well.

Running Off the Edge
This is one of the hardest assignments for me. I just have trouble strategically placing the object where it will run out of room. The spout of the pot actually did run off the page, it just doesn't look like it because there is more newsprint paper underneath it, making it look the the sheet continues.

Tea Pot: Gesture


Sunday, October 3, 2010


One of the hardest parts for me was actually having the shapes not fit into the whole picture, and be cut off by the frame.
I used vine charcoal for this.
I used a HB graphite pencil for this one.
